Xaoc Devices presents Batumi II – a greatly improved and enhanced new iteration of the modern day classic that is/was the original Batumi, preserving its layout and form factor. The premise remains the same: four LFO’s with individual outputs for sine, assign and rectangle waves. The channels can operate independently or they can be linked – phase shifted, divided or multiplied (new mode alert) with regard to the first channel. Multiple major and minor improvements have been implemented, e.g. when synced to an external clock source, each channel’s frequency slider selects a clock division for that channel’s outputs.
We have managed to incorporate the features of the original expander into Batumi II (sync mode switching and assign waveform selection) without changing the size of the module which opened up new possibilities for the new optional expander. The Poti II expander for Batumi II adds multi destination inputs for sine wavefolding, assign output waveform selection or rectangle pulse modulation with the destination set for each channel independently. Poti II also features frequency input attenuation as well as sine and assign output attenuation. All adjustments may be performed separately for each individual channel or for all channels simultaneously.
The Batumi II software has been rewritten from scratch to ensure best performance. The hardware has also been updated to allow for V/oct tracking and stable operation up to audio rates (more powerful CPU, precise, wideband converters, antialiased waveforms).